HVAC Equipment, Commercial Office, Education

Targeted Air Purification with ISO-Aire

Commercial facility and school HVAC systems have been identified as key items to be addressed to ensure safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. ASHRAE, CDC, and EPA all recommend adding air filtration with HEPA level filters. However, these systems can be difficult to retrofit with higher density filters. Most often, the motors in the existing equipment simply cannot accommodate the impact these filters have on the airflow.

Portable air cleaning units are a valuable solution in these cases. ISO-Aire has developed self-contained units which provide:

  • HEPA Filters
  • Germicidal UVC
  • Bipolar Ionization
  • MERV-13+ Filter
Iso-Aire Diagram

These portable units can add air filtration and purification to schools and offices. They do not impact the central HVAC system but instead clean the air in the exact spaces where office employees and students are doing their work.

Originally developed for a leading healthcare provider, ISO-Aire uses proven medical-grade technology, HEPA filtration, bipolar ionization and/or UVC sterilization to provide the highest level of protection. They are an effective, flexible, and easy to deploy solution. ISO-Aire units are built in sizes ranging from 500 CFM up to 2000 CFM which allow them to clean the air in a variety of office and classroom sizes. These stand-alone units are plugged directly into a standard wall outlet and they are quiet enough (42-58 dBA) to run without distracting a room’s occupants.

Being placed in the office or classroom where people are working makes ISO-Aire the first line of defense. HEPA filters capture 99.99% of airborne particles. At the same time, optional bipolar ionization and/or UVC sterilization work to kill any pathogens passing through the unit. Then the fan cycles the air back into the room creating the recommended 6 air changes per hour in that occupied space.  

As businesses and schools work to provide essential services, ISO-Aire provides peace of mind for customers, employees, students, and teachers. These units also go beyond just COVID-19 and help protect against other viruses, bacteria, allergens, and contaminants that may be present. This can result in improved employee health, productivity, and reduced sick time.

To learn more about ISO-Aire, you can view our 15 minute mini webinar below. And if you're interested in attending more webinars like this one, you can join our weekly Thursday Morning Coffee Break here.


Contact us today for help on making the air in your building is safe!

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Justin Mouttet

Justin Mouttet is a Sales Engineer for HVAC Equipment in Colorado.