
Anchorage Team Delivers Big for Alaska Families

LONG Building Technologies’ Anchorage team has jumped into the holiday spirit, delivering nearly 2 tons of food to the Food Bank of Alaska. The official weight – 3,700 pounds!

While the company is known for giving back to its communities, the Anchorage branch makes a special effort to support the people of Alaska through charitable acts throughout the year. If you ask Office Manager Susan Hauth, the team gets just as much out of their charitable contributions as they give. “Giving back is important to me because I want to bind our employees together. It’s a constant reminder that we’re a unified team, and it helps us as individuals feel deeply connected to our community,” said Susan.


Chris Bracken, Security Operations Manager for the branch, mirrored that sentiment. When asked what he feels their motivation is, he was quick to chime, “Susan Hauth and her big heart!”

While most businesses are winding down at the end of the year, the LONG Anchorage branch is just getting started lining up community events for the coming year. When it comes to what’s next for this team, Susan added, “I’m considering a cold weather drive in January for children and adults in need. Outdoor play is so important to children and without the appropriate gear, our climate binds children inside…boots, snow pants, warm coats, gloves, hats, they’re all expensive. When it’s a choice between paying rent or buying outerwear for kids, which expense prevails? Alaska’s need for donations is critical and the statistics astounding. We’re just happy to do what we can to help our community.”

LONG is very proud of the achievements of this team to keep the spirit of giving alive in all reaches of the company. Community involvement is a cornerstone of LONG's culture and supporting the communities that welcome LONG is part of the company's core values. Go LONG!


Joslyn Beckwith

Joslyn is the digital marketing coordinator for LONG. She loves to hike and play volleyball when the weather is warm and spends her free time reading, watching movies, and playing video and board games.